Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Mid-life crisis?

So here's my first confession. 

Sometimes, just sometimes I am so bored. Life is safe, and well, you know its nice, very nice....but it is boring!

Of course it is punctuated by moments of exhilaration, life defining moments. I am grateful for these, I really am.

Here's another confession. 

Sometimes I look around me at church and see a room full of nice, safe but terminally bored people. Is nice the summary of a successful Christian life? Is safe the goal?

And here is the most shocking confession of all.

Sometimes I feel like I am the one leading and I invite Jesus to follow me, to be my travel rep, making sure the journey is pleasant, we get to see the best views and avoid all the dangerous hot spots.

I am numb too.

The terrorism, the suicide, those dying of hunger in the midst of the wealthiest neighbours- these are all modern day Goliath's, flying right in the face of all that the gospel claims, and me...I'm hiding behind a rock and shaking my head at the awfulness of it all and wondering what God is going to do about it!

What if God actually wants the Church to overcome terrorism and hunger? What if we are the ONLY answer.

Well, I'm not bored anymore, I'm scared. Scared that I am going to let the world down. 

We are the answer you know. That's not arrogant, its the truth. The church is God's remedy for a 
sin broken world. 

Its totally too huge, impossible and difficult. Its way beyond what I could ever imagine or ask for. 

Oh wait, that sounds like a scripture

'Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,' 

So, this is huge, but its also inescapable. We have access to a God who can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power at work in us' 

So if I can imagine it, He can do it; but he will do it through me. I am his agent in the mission of world recovery.

Nope, not bored anymore! 

Who's with me?



  1. Time to get involved in politics then Sue! I'd vote for you ;)

  2. I'm inspired by you and by this post! Let's talk!!
